Tuesday, 29 April 2014


**ACTION PLUS (Chatsworth H&R)  
Take N2 South.  Turn off at Higginson Highway/M1-154. Right at traffic lights, proceed along highway. Take Chatsworth Centre turn off. Left at traffic lights into Chatsworth Circle, pass the RK Khan Hospital. Right into Tranquil Street.
Hansie Maharaj:(B) 031 401 2226  (C) 083 799 6412
 (F) 031 311 6796  E-mail: hansie.maharaj@gmail.com

Take exit 138 Amanzimtoti (Southern Freeway) turn right at Stop Street. Turn right at traffic lights over freeway bridge, left at traffic lights, proceed down to Hutchinson Park.  Over the river first right to squash courts on right.
Christine Carroll: Box 95 Amanzimtoti 4125 (H) 903 4809
(C) 071 606 2850  E-mail: Christine@gaucheair.co.za
Proceed on NMR Ave, from town just past DCC squash courts, first turn left into Jacko Jackson Drive. Club on the right.
Peter Hulbert:  (C) 083 390 5171 E-mail: peter@rovers.co.za

** CHILTERN PARK (Westville North)
From Durban, go along M13 (Jan Smuts H/way) towards Westville. Take Blair Atholl Rd/Westville Rd glide off (exit 12). Turn right under highway into Blair Atholl Rd. ± 3km’s & turn right into Pitlochry Rd. Sports club on right after soccer fields.  Parking available at the back of the club.  Pass the club, turn right and go through security gate.
Nirvash Harichunder
Cell: 083 775 2858
E-mail: nirvash@imexco.co.za
Proceed on N3 freeway, glide off at Westville turn-off, first turn left into Spine Road and go through gates.
Mduduzi Khumalo: (C) 082 227 9853 (B) 031 204 8843
(F) 086 534 2857 Email: mduduzi.khumalo@dcs.gov.za
**CRUSADERS (Durban North)
Glide off North Coast highway into Broadway, first left into Old Mill Way, first right into Ranleigh Crescent.
Stuart Jackson: Box 1033 4200 (B) 580 4200 (F) 580 4280
 E-mail: skj@cmh.co.za
Walter Gilbert Road between NMR Ave and Northern freeway.
Bob Humphreys
144 Lambert Road, Morningside, Durban 4001
Cell: 082 558 7900  (w) 031-201 9176
E-mail: bob@labellacafe.co.za
Take old Western Freeway to glide off No. 28 Sign posted: R103 Old Main Rd/Hillcrest. Turn left at traffic lights into Winston Park, Turn right into Jan Smuts Ave. Proceed for 2km then turn left at cross roads (still Jan Smuts Ave). Take third turn on right into Viaan Rd. Squash courts 400m on right side.
Patrick Edy: 5 Umziki Place Kloof 3610 (B&F) 764 2817
(C) 082 440 5379 E-mail: trio@worldonline.co.za
Turn into Clever Rd from the Berea which becomes Bulwer and then Nicolson Rd. Must use Nicolson Rd entrance (crts by hall).  
Trevor Kershaw:  1 Nicolson Rd Glenwood 4001 (B) 205 5241 (F) 205 5838(H) 266 8040 (C) 083 707 3759
E-mail: kershaw@glenwoodhighschool.co.za
About 24 kms along N3 Western freeway and take the Thousand Hills/Hillcrest glide off, cross freeway to Hillcrest, through village to top of Bothas Hill, left into Kearsney. Courts on right.
PJ Dunnett: Box 332 Linkhills 3652 (B/H) 763 4228 
(C) 083 228 8686 (F) 763 3727 E-mail: dunnettp@iafrica.com
Take M13 (alternative route) to PMB, take the glide off to Old Main Rd and Abrey Rd, turn left and left again into Lyngarth Rd. Right into Abrey Rd, first left into Victory Rd. Left into Main Club Entrance. Squash courts 200m ahead of you.
Geraldine Keenan: (C) 083 590 3900
E-mail: pvgk@axxess.co.za
Approx 15 km's along new N3 freeway take Marianhill/ Richmond Rd glide off. Turn right over freeway, proceed along Richmond Rd and continue under the old M13 highway to robots at corner of Anderson/Old Main Rd.  Turn left into Anderson, cross over Kings Rd. At circle, enter Lahee Park grounds, 2nd circle turn left, 3rd circle turn left, courts on right at end of road.
Laurence McCann (C) 082 782 0273
E-mail: laheesquash@gmail.com
**MIDLANDS (Westville)
Home games to be played at Westville Country Club
Proceed along new N3 freeway, take Westville glide off towards Westville centre.  Drive 3 kms and take first turn left into Link Rd, sharp left into club grounds. Courts on the right.
Craig Buxton-Forman : 6 Ryall Lane, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg 3201
(B) 033- 241 8788  (H) 033- 396 2695
(F) 033- 342 4504   E-mail: craig.buxton-forman@kzndoe.gov.za
Take N2 North, Umhlanga/Phoenix glide off.  Left off highway, first left, follow signs to main Clubhouse. Enter Gate 2.
Bev Mould:  P O Box 1626 Mt. Edgecombe Country Club 4300
(C) 082 656 4000 E-mail: bev.mould@vodamail.co.za
Take Pinetown/Queensburgh glide off on Western freeway, turn right into St Johns Ave pas Checkers Centre, turn left into Shepstone Rd, left into Broadway St after passing Shell Garage. At the traffic circle go right and turn first right into club grounds.
Jon Morris: (B) 031-700 5244   (F) 031-700 1050
E-mail: jon@pbu.co.za
C.R. Swart – Married quarters next to Police Gym. Go down Stanger St in a Northerly direction approx 100m after C.R. Swart turn into Police flats. Courts on left behind the gym.
Shabirr Amla: (C) 084 627 8668 Email: Shabirr@gmail.com
Old Mutual Courts – KZN Sports Centre Francouis Rd
 (Tues nights) Old courts – Manning Rd (Wed/Thurs nights)
Ahmed  Mahomed: University of KwaZulu Natal University Rd Chiltern Hills Westville 3610 (B) 902 7351
(C)084 602 7352  E-mail:ahmeda.m@telkomsa.net
University of KwaZulu Natal Centre. R613 passing through Westville-University/Essex Terrace glide off. University Rd. Enter varsity & courts are alongside the Sports Complex.
Manoj Pema: University of KwaZulu Natal University Rd Chiltern Hills Westville 3610 (B) 571 9638
(C) 082 444 9521 E-mail:manoj.pema@unilever.com
Proceed along Southern freeway going south. Take Clairwood glide off. Turn right under freeway. Go straight over South Coast Rd, into Blamey Rd. Round the circle, up the hill and turn right into Benson Rd and follow the signs.
Rob Kemp: (B) 031-267 5300 (F) 031-267 1838
E-mail: kemp@bakertillymm.co.za                 
Proceed along new N3 freeway, take Westville glide off towards Westville centre.  Drive 3 kms and take first turn left into Link Rd, sharp left into club grounds. Courts on the right.
Amanda Egner: Box 35 Westville 3630 (B) 266 1391
(C) 082 783 9510  E-mail:amandaegner@gmail.com,
**WINGS SQUASH CLUB  (Virginia Airport)
Glide off main North Coast highway and into Airport.
Peter Henning: Box 15491 Westmead 3608 (B) 700 6133
(F) 700 6143 (C) 083 777 8405 E-mail: peter@dce.co.za




Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Alternate power source to generators

Now that Eskom has declared a state of emergency, I thought it would be a good time to share some of my experience and knowledge that I have gained over the past 15years, working with and studying electrical, electronics and IT Networking.

A lot of people think that the only alternative when the power goes out is a generator, but it's not. The problem with a generator is that it is loud, gives off terrible exhaust fumes and is large and heavy. It also needs to be filled up with fuel. When the power goes out what you really need, is light and it would also be great to have your TV and decoder working as well. So considering that lights consume almost the least amount of power in your house it is easy to power lights, your TV and decoder with an inverter. You can also charge your cellphone and use your laptop and PC with an inverter.

The appliances in your house that consume the most power are, geyser, stove, fridge, iron, kettle and airconditioner. Unfortunately it's not that easy to power those items with an inverter.

So an inverter has a battery inside it. Batteries supply DC power but almost all the appliances in your home need AC power to work. So the inverter changes the DC power to AC and has a plug point on it so you plug an extension cable to it and power lights, the TV, decoder, cellphone charger and laptop or PC.

A Small Inverter

It looks like a computer tower and stays plugged in to the power in your house all the time which is when it charges the battery. When the power goes out you plug in your extension cable and power your small electrical appliances. An inverter is also a lot cheaper than a generator which is another great reason to get one. It also doesn't require any involved installation so almost any adult can get it working. The problem is that not many people know about this technology and therefore it is not that popular in homes. If you have heard of a UPS to back-up power for PC's at workplaces then it is exactly the same technology. When the power goes out, the Inverter can give you power for lights, TV & decoder, cellphone and laptop etc for about 9 hours. This should be more than enough time till Eskom switches you on again.

I have attached a pic of an inverter and you can see that it can easily be stored in your home without looking or sounding like a Tractor on a farm which is what a generator is like.

If all else fails good old candles still work and can be quite romantic.

If you want any info or advice on solar power, inverters and saving power then send me an email to wes@ecr.co.za and I will try to answer your questions.

I hope this is of some help to you and goodluck with the power cuts

Friday, 10 January 2014

My DJ Journey So Far

I started being a mobile dj when I was about 14 years old and I used to play at small functions like birthday parties, weddings etc. I got in to it because I loved music more than anything and had some friends that were Djs and it seemed like the best thing in the world. And let me tell you it is. Then I became a club dj and I worked at a few clubs in Durban. I then moved to JHB in 1999 and worked at a few clubs in JHB too. I also did a lot of MC work and hosted pageants and functions. I always wanted to be on the radio ever since I was about 7years old listening to Capital 604 in Durban on the AM frequency. So I got into community radio first with Chat Radio, an in house radio station at the Chatsworth Centre. I then moved to Redcap Radio which is the largest retail radio station in the country and I eventually got into East Coast Radio which was my dream for many years. I really love radio. From the first time I approached East Coast Radio till the time I got my first show took about 10 years which is a really long time. It was worth every moment of the wait and if you want something bad enough you never give up...ever.

I started doing the late night shows like 12-3am, 3-6am and even 12-6 am but every radio presenter has to do those timeslots. There is a very strong connection with listeners during the night as they are focused on what you are saying and doing. During the day a lot people that are listening are doing so while they are preoccupied with something else.  I now have 2 shows on the weekends, Saturday and Sundays 5-9pm. I have done almost all the other timeslots on air as a fill-in for other jocks that have taken days off or leave so I know exactly what it's like doing most shows on air.

I have now started the next step in my DJ journey by producing and making my own music using FL Studio and playing the keyboard. I love doing this as well. I use my almost 20 years experience being a DJ, listening and dancing to so much music to make the stuff that I produce.

I also MC a lot of events and functions and I get asked to play at many nightclubs in and around KZN. I have also been doing a lot of voice overs using the different accents that I can do for adverts on TV and radio.

I also love teaching youngsters and almost anyone who has an interest in becoming a DJ. It is amazing how the technology has changed over the years with being a DJ. I started out playing vinyls or records on Technics SL1200 turntables until the CD era. Then it was Pioneer CDJ CD players that took over mainly because of the ease of getting the music and the cost too. And then the software came about and at first I swore I would never use DJ software but now with the best of both worlds I use a Traktor controller with software. It is really awesome and allows the DJ to be so much more creative and give the people listening or dancing more to do dance and listen to.

Personally I think a good DJ has to be an all rounder not just stick to one aspect of being a DJ, He must empower himself and acquire all the skills that goes with the territory and all of it can be learnt without any natural talent or skill. A good DJ is also always looking for ways to improve and reinvent himself.

Even though I loved the music and being a DJ so much I made sure that I studied and worked hard over many years at my other career. Unfortunately in South Africa it is difficult to be rich and successful by just being a DJ. We should also empowered ourselves in as many different fields as possible so we don't put all our eggs in one basket and we always have things to fall back on. I always say that education and working hard is the key to success. Many years later I now enjoy the best of both worlds being a Manager at a large international company by day Monday to Friday and a radio presenter, dj, mc, music producer and more on the weekends.

I love the music and I love being a DJ. I will always be a DJ even when I'm 90 years old, even if it's just in my heart.